I am thoroughly enjoying Meg Meeker’s Strong Father, Strong Daughters. It is insightful, challenging, and encouraging, and I highly recommend it to fathers of daughters, regardless of their age. So, if you’re a new dad of a daughter, read this book. If you have years of experience fathering a daughter, you will still find this to be an edifying read.
I have been tweeting a few quotes over the past weeks as I have made my way through this book, but here is one that exceeds 140 characters, but is well worth sharing. In the chapter “Be the Man You Want Her to Marry,” Dr. Meeker makes this point:
You want your daughter to live freely, without fear. So show her how. Be the man you want her to marry, because chances are excellent that when she is mature, she will look for you (albeit subconsciously) in another another man. If you haven’t a clue what a good father looks like, look around and find someone who is doing it well. Then watch him, learn from him, mimic him. As you practice, you will change your daughter’s life. She will absorb who you are. And one day, she will turn around and reward you with a son-in-law you can respect.