The Weekly Perspective

by Burke Shade, Associate Pastor

38 days till election day, and by all accounts it’s a frustrating election cycle. Both parties promise the moon, with the party in power trying to buy their way to victory giving out free stuff, whether forgiveness of college loans, investment of billions in your community, house loans, citizenship privileges, etc. The party out of power tries to buy your vote with goodies in the future, such as lower taxes/no taxes on tips, lower inflation, high tariffs to protect your job, deporting illegal aliens who are stealing your jobs, or the ending of regulations for businesses.

In the end, it amounts to more socialism, more statism, more greed, more elites handing you what is good for you, even if you don’t know it yet.

The candidates themselves are flawed as well. Nationally, they have serious non-Christian morality flaws, sinful views of sexuality and abortion, unbiblical views of liberty, and they all wanted or practiced draconian immoral policies of theft and confiscation during Covid! State and local candidates are just as flawed, and even professing Christians rarely or never mention the name of Jesus while legislating. Most don’t believe the faith has anything to do with ruling.

So what’s the faithful Christian to do? How do you keep from going mad, or getting anxious about the direction of the country? After all, the pundits tell us, this is the most important election since 1776! Hmmm, have I heard that before?

So how about some encouraging words from Jesus!

Proverbs 3.5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him…”

Matthew 6.33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness…”

Isaiah 40.27-31: (…but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength….they shall walk and not faint.”