The Weekly Perspective

by Burke Shade, Associate Pastor

This past Monday and Tuesday Pastors Thacker and Shade and Elder Kernodle attended the 31st meeting of Athanasius Presbytery in Greenfield, SC. Monday evening was a time of fellowship and eating together, preceded by an outside Vesper’s service where all 60-70 attendees worshipped and sang together. Tuesday was the actual Presbytery meeting (14 churches), with several items of business:

The first was the reception of a mission church (mission church being a new church overseen by another existing church for at least a period of two years) in Fairhope, AL, which was turned down due to a lack of clarity on the issues of credobaptism and paedobaptism and the efficacy of baptism on the part of the present leadership. The consensus of Presbytery to the mission church and its sponsor was to clear up these issues and come back again in the future.

The second item of business was the receiving of two previously ordained men to be the pastors of churches in Knoxville, TN and in Newnan, GA. Drew Maney and Grant Van Brimmer both gave biography’s of their past religious lives, training and experience, as well as family details. Both were warmly welcomed.

The third items of business were mission church reports, where the Presiding Minister, Pastor Thacker, allowed each mission church to briefly address the body on their present situation, trajectory, and prayer requests. Athanasius Presbytery presently has ten mission churches who gave reports.

Our next meeting is April 2025 in Valparaiso, FL.

After conclusion of the meeting, we all enjoyed the lunch hosted by Christ the King Church of Greenville.