Come one, come all. The Gallants have issued their yearly invitation and you are invited! At 3:00 on Saturday, July 30th the Gallants serve us hamburgers, hotdogs and all manner of fixins for such items. If you haven’t been to one of their picnics yet, it’s a lot of fun for the kids (with an obstacle course and everything) and plenty of food, fellowship, and drinks for the adults.
One of the things that marks us saints is our love one for another, and our desire to fellowship together is one of the ways we show love for each other. And this very type of casual fellowship is sometimes missing in the lives of modern believers. Often the conception of the church in the modern western sensibilities is to show up on Sunday for an hour, maybe two and, “put in your time,” and then head out to watch some game on television or nap. But as we read throughout the Bible, and certainly throughout the book of Acts, and glimpsed in the epistles, believers form community and then live the out-workings of community. We taste and see each Lord’s Day that He is good as Jesus breaks bread with us. And this is the example He sets. As he breaks the bread of peace with us so likewise we dine with each other — not in a sacramental way, but in fellowship, sharing but a dim foretaste of the glorious fellowship that is to come.