The Weekly Perspective
by Peter Leithart
(From the newsletter “friends of Theopolis”)
Angels make periodic appearances in the Old Testament, but nowhere is there as thick a cluster as at the beginning of the gospel story. Angels appear to Joseph (repeatedly). Gabriel visits Zacharias and Mary. Angelic hosts sing to shepherds near Bethlehem. It’s fitting. Angels’ natural habitat is heaven. Whenever an angel appears on earth, he brings a bit of heaven with him. He is a bit of heaven.
Christmas angels offer a glimpse of Jesus’ mission.
After Adam’s sin, earth ceases to harmonize with the music of heaven or keep in step with the dance of the angels. Adam untunes creation.
In Jesus, heaven invades earth to restore it to heavenly harmony. Jesus retunes earth to heaven.
There’s resistance. As soon as the angelic choir makes its appearance, Satan and demons mount resistance to preserve the dissonant noise.
The Advent of the Son is the beginning of the last great battle between heaven and hell, with earth as the battlefield. Heaven wins! Jesus will win, yes. But also: He has won, casting Satan from heaven.
Incarnation is invasion. Jesus comes as Captain of the Father’s hosts to conquer earth and annex it to the empire of heaven. Because we live on the other side of His definitive victory, we live Christmas every day.
As we do the will of God on earth as it is in heaven, we extend the harmony of angelic song, looking for the day when heaven and earth merge in perfect polyphony.
Merry Christmas from Theopolis!
Peter Leithart