The past couple weeks saw a bit of a chilly draft from
the north. No, not just the weather. The law-makers
in Canada have passed legislation banning
“conversion therapy” making it a crime to “provide or
promote services intended to change or repress a
person’s sexual orientation or gender expression.”
Canada not being our country may make it seem a bit far away to worry about. Indeed, we have many issues of our own to deal with state-side. But there are 2 pressing concerns for us to be praying about. 1) brothers and sisters and faithful minister who will now come under (more) government persecution for faithfully teaching a biblical sexual ethic. And 2) the Overton Window is pushed ever away from a Godly morality and toward the immoral, perverted, and sinful desires of the flesh. Sinners hate nothing so much as being told their sin, is, in fact, sin and they will suffer eternal damnation if they do not turn away from it. And as we are witnessing broadly from a culture hell-bent (I use hell appropriately here, as in from the very pit of hell) on repressing everything Godly and good, men in the throes of sin will stop at nothing to push away the conviction of their sin.
This is our time to shine. We still enjoy the freedom to preach God’s truth on this issues, and we must do so. And we must pray for faithful Christians in Canada to stand strong!