The Weekly Perspective

by Burke Shade, Associate Pastor

As this new year begins, we’ve witnessed a lot of hope for the renewal of American culture from the incoming political class. But America can’t be renewed from within because we are a sinful, bankrupt nation that does not worship Jesus as Lord. As a culture, we refuse to mention the name of the true Lord of the world, Jesus Christ. Have you seen a bumper sticker that says “Jesus Bless America”? And we banished the Ten Commandments from the schools and halls of government institutions, and sue those who try to bring them back (Judge Moore).

America, in order to be renewed, must go through a death and resurrection. We are in the death throes, culturally, and yet resurrection is already on the scene. But the City of Man is not yet looking to the City of God in its midst, because the City of Man still believes it is alive and able to self-renew.

Where is this resurrection? Right in your midst this morning! Centered in the worship of the real and true king, Jesus. It’s in the liturgy that expresses God’s grace and salvation, not the state’s. It’s in us, the church, that believes it has died and been resurrected in union with Jesus at our baptism (Romans 6.1-4). It’s in marriage informed by God’s word where it is the happiest state for men and women. It’s in each spouse who has died to their own desires and lives for the other. It’s in parents dying to the world’s selfish ideas of happiness and believing Jesus that children are a blessing and a reward and that maturity is a blessing, not immaturity. It’s in husbands dying to themselves and instead providing for and protecting their families. It’s in Christians one-anothering each other and that spilling over and out to the unbelieving neighbors. It’s in men choosing careers where they can obey Jesus in their work rather than choosing careers for money where they have to sell their souls to the Christ-cancelling culture. It’s in Christians who understand the gospel is “Jesus is Lord” and that what motivates and binds a culture is fidelity to worshipping Jesus and trusting His word in all walks of life.

You get the point. So Onward, Christian Soldiers!