The Weekly Perspective

by Burke Shade, Associate Pastor

Continuing in Psalm 16, we find that David is not shy about where he places his trust: “The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot.” David is, out loud, saying he has consciously chosen to follow Yahweh. In fact, Yahweh is his food and drink, his portion and his cup. His chosen fellowship is with Yahweh himself, tasting that He is good; he is not out running after other gods. But while affirming his choice, he is also submissive and respectful: Yahweh holds me in his hands. My fate is in his hands.

Is David upset or dismissive of the Lord holding his lot? Not at all; he is quite grateful and thankful. “The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Would that we would all follow David’s lead! When he surveys his life and his planting, he is happy where God has led him and placed him. It is beautiful. When was the last time you praised the Lord for where he has led you and planted you? Do you agree that your inheritance is beautiful? How can it not be, having been orchestrated by He who brings you all good (vs. 2)?

This Psalm is suffused with God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility (“I chose the Lord, and he holds my lot”), and we see that again in the next two phrases or verses, in an ABAB pattern. “I bless Yahweh who gives me counsel…I have set Yahweh always before me.” David is actively living by faith in Yahweh; he blesses him and keeps him front and center in his thoughts and actions. At the same time, he is reliant upon Yahweh for counsel and for confidence: “in the night also my heart instructs me…because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Using Hebrew poetic parallelism, we understand that the night instruction comes from Yahweh who is at his right hand. David is faithful, and Yahweh gives comfort of presence (“right hand”) and confidence in the task or battle (“I shall not be shaken”).

May you follow David’s example this week! (to be continued).