The Weekly Perspective
by Burke Shade, Associate Pastor
“Jesus is the Reason.” God gave his Son to take our flesh; not just our “material bodies,” but our fallen human nature — dilapidated, cursed, fractured, etc. He bore our fallen nature on the cross, rising from the dead to overcome the power of sin and judgment. In his resurrected life we have life eternal (Romans 6)!
But around this time of year, and in light of get togethers with family and friends, where the subject of churches and worship styles and denominations unavoidably come up, it will do us well to reflect on what Jesus has given us in our own denomination: the Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches.
What are some of Christ’s blessings to us in this regard?
Praise and worship along the lines of biblical covenantal renewal worship, structured by and filled with God’s Word. Every Sunday you worship in the heavenlies and feed upon Christ! (Hebrews 12; 1 Corinthians 10).
Pastoral approach to problems, where we try to work out our problems as brothers and sisters, and not just “sue” one another in church court!
Paedocommunion that sees your children as loved by God as His children, and therefore included as a member of his body from his/her conception, and married to Christ as part of His bride at baptism. They belong to God and are trained and encouraged as such from the very beginning as children of God.
Postmillienial perspective on the future of God’s kingdom — Jesus is reigning as the world’s Emperor, and by his power and authority he intends to see the nations discipled in His Holy Spirit before the final coming (Matthew 28).
Perspective of multiple confessional statements, which means we aren’t sectarian, pushing away other Christians who might differ, but recognizing that Christ’s kingdom embraces more than our little church or denomination. Other Christians are our brothers and sisters, so we love them and work with them.
So give thanks to Jesus for these gifts this Christmas, and keep this list in your back pocket for when you need it at all those gatherings!