The Weekly Perspective

by TJ Draper, Deacon

It is fitting that after a week in which we set aside time to give thanks to God for all that He has done for us, we now come to that time of the Christian Year known as Advent. This is a season of expectancy as the calendar leads us through the life of Christ and we anticipate the incarnation of Jesus at Christmastide.

Of course we approach this season of anticipation and remembrance in the light of its fulfillment having already taken place. As we rehearse and remember the life of Christ and God’s good gifts to us, we know the future. It is good and right to be reminded in this way of the already and the not yet. Christ has already come, and yet we joyfully anticipate the incarnational celebration of Christmastide.

An “already, not-yet” state fills our lives as Christ followers. Jesus is ruling and reigning. He has subdued his enemies. And yet He must rule until He has put (future) all enemies under his feet. We who are alive in Christ need not fear death, for death has been defeated. And yet Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians that the last enemy to be destroyed is death.

We still anticipate a future state of victory that is yet to be realized. The incarnation of Christ is what makes this future state of victory possible. And His incarnation makes possible the salvation of His people, which has been, is being, and will be accomplished.

As the first Advent candle is lit today, remember the hope imparted by the prophets who declared the coming of Christ. As The Lesson taken from the Old Testament today says, Christ is, “A Branch of righteousness,” and, “He shall execute judgment and righteousness in the earth.” This has happened, is happening, and will happen. So look expectantly this day to the incarnation of Christ your Savior!