The school year has begun and it’s a good time to take stock of why education of Christian children is important. At St. Mark, many tools for the education of children are employed. Some chose home school, others choose private or classical school. Others are involved in Classical Conversations. The common theme is we all believe that education is not neutral and must be grounded in God’s word. Further, we believe parents are responsible for equipping their children. Delegation, of course, can and should be used as needed and necessary.

Sometimes educating and equipping our children can be exhausting. But take heart: God sees the work you are doing, the exhaustion that can overwhelm. In educating sons and daughters, you are engaging in very important kingdom work. Children represent the future of the church. You are training future men and future women, future husbands and future wives. The education you are giving them now has impact for all future generations. That is, in fact, one of the reasons God commands parents to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. And that is also why the job can feel exhausting and overwhelming. But God gives strength to accomplish the tasks He calls us to. And that God calls us to equip our children for the kingdom work is precisely why we do it. Give God the glory as He gives you strength to train the future!