The Weekly Perspective
by Burke Shade, Assistant Pastor
The Athanasius Presbytery Spring meeting was held last Monday and Tuesday in Birmingham at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Spring meetings are more focused on fellowship amongst the pastors, elders, and mission church planting staff (pastors, elders, or laymen putting together a church plant), with little business.
Monday evening was a dinner and social get together at Christ Church Branch Cove (Odenville), 30 minutes east of Birmingham. After dinner we had the rousing singing of three or four hymns/psalms, without accompaniment. You can’t beat 60-70 men singing loudly and vibrantly. Especially when our Council Presiding Minister, Uri Brito, leads the singing!
Tuesday morning’s breakfast and social time was followed by an ordination Presbytery exam of Gage Crowder from Trinity Reformed Church, coached and trained by our own Brian McClain. His exam was sustained.
Pastor Shade’s transfer exam followed, comprised of an introduction by Pastor Joe, a short summary by Pastor Shade of his pastoral-life excursions so far, and followed by brief questions from a few pastors. Having been already been ordained, it was mainly a “meet and greet” moment.
Uri Brito gave a report on the growth of the CREC (130 churches, worldwide) and global interest in the denomination. He noted that the CREC’s choosing to become a fully self-conscious paedo-communion denomination at the last Council meeting has sparked interest from various churches of all persuasions.
Pastor Mike Pasarilla of Christ Presbyterian Church of Knoxville was recognized for his achievements over the last thirty-three years of pastoral ministry. He retires in June.
Fall meeting is on October 7-8, to be hosted by Christ the King, Greenville, SC.