There’s nothing quite like the joy of a wedding as
God knits together two souls to form one unit. In our
case, we have too the privilege of seeing the fruit of
faithfulness in two of our member families as their
children join together to glorify God by their union.
Psalm 127:3 tells us that, “Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.” And here at this cross-section of life for the Goolsbys and the Kernodles, we can see both the fulfillment in the joy of the parents in their Godly offspring, and the renewed promise to Brett and Sophie as God wills and blesses their marriage.
The vows they took yesterday should also remind those of us who are married of the vows we made to our spouses. One of the duties of faithful Christians is to model the Christian life for others. This is a call to us to make sure we are doing that with our marriages. And Brett and Sophie bless us with their joy and love which we can observe, so too we should make sure we renew our love and faithfulness to our husbands and wives and so bring honor and glory to Christ. After all, our marriage are to be a image of Christ and his bride, our mother the Church.
And now, it is both our joy and privilege to pray for and encourage Brett and Sophie in the life God has called them to!