Mission: Its Meaning and Manifestation
Speaker: Pastor Rich Lusk
Listen to Pastors Thacker and Lusk discuss the upcoming conference HERE
Conference Schedule
Friday, May 13, 2011 – 7:00 PM *
“Mission and the Home”
Sometimes we think the purpose of the church is to meet the Spiritual needs of the family. But what if actually it’s the other way around, and the family is called to serve the mission of the church? How do we use our family resources, our homes, our time, and our money, to further the mission of the church in the world? How do we train our children to play their part in this mission? Can we find a happy balance between protecting them from the world, while still sending them into the world? How can our families be more outward facing, embracing our communities and neighborhoods in the love and truth of the gospel?
Saturday, May 14, 2011 – 9:30 AM *
“Mission and the Marketplace”
What’s the purpose of work? Personal fulfillment? A paycheck? Status and prestige? God calls us to work for a myriad of reasons, but among them is the furthering of the Great Commission. But this doesn’t mean doing personal evangelism on company time. Instead it means learning to do business as a form of mission, using entrepreneurial skills and business resources to serve the good of others. It means learning to do our work in a way that ministers to the common good, recognizing God uses our daily work as a way of blessing the world and teaching us about our mutual dependence on one another. Work is not just work; through our work, God includes us in his global mission of renewing the world. Doing our work with excellence can become a way of loving God and neighbor.
2nd Saturday Session – 11:00 AM
“Mission and the Poor“
Why are some people poor? Why is poverty so hard to deal with? Can we safely ignore the poor? Should we feel guilty for not doing more to help the poor? And how can we really help them in a way that doesn’t just subsidize all the wrong things? Caring for the poor is a biblical priority, but one that the church in our age has a hard time embracing. What is our biblical burden, how do we carry it out, and how does this mercy work relate to the proclamation of the gospel?
Sunday, May 15, 2011 – 10:00 AM (Lord’s Day Worship)
“Mission and the Gospel”
What is God up to in the world? Where is God working and how? In what ways can we join in God’s work? The gospel not only draws us into God’s presence to receive his blessing; it also sends us out to be a blessing the world. Every Christian is called to be a missionary in some form or fashion. But when we learn to live out the mission of the gospel, we find the Christian life is never boring. If we embrace this mission fully, we’re bound to have some great stories to tell!